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 - 所有服饰先汇款先的 | 无做任何保留,除非汇款后要求我们继续保留您服饰 - No reservations for any items unless payment is made. - 凡是下单汇款保留后就不能(取消)或(更改)服饰 / 订单 | 任何解释或原因一律不做接受 ** 因在您下单之前已经看了尺寸跟价格还有服饰 确定了才会下单汇款,但汇款后突然又要因某些原因来更改或者取消我们将无法接受。毕竟服饰货量有限。任何不便之处请见谅 -We can reserve the items after payment is made but no changing or cancellation during the reseevations period - 电脑荧幕分解颜色不同,模特儿示范服饰是在灯光下所拍摄,因此服饰实货颜色跟图片上稍微有差别。我们所测量的尺寸或许有偏差2-5CM - There will be some differences from the pictures compare to the items due to the issue of light and the graphic from devices. Maybe there will be some differences due to measurement which is 2-5cm. -购买前请考虑清楚,如出现买下后(不合心意) (款式) (颜色) (尺码) (與想像不同) (少许污迹) 等理由...本店不承担售后纠纷或退款。 Please consider carefully before purchasing, such as style,color,size,not same as model, dirty and so on. ... We do not accept this after the sale or refund. -由于已经低价销售商品, 所有货物出门,无论任何情况,一律都不退不换。 -We sold goods at low prices, so, we do not accept refund or change -如果是(追求完美)者.请不要下单. 以免造成双方困扰。 -If you like perfect,Please do not place an order. -有时可能会出现突发的到货延迟状况发生,有时真的难以避免,所以若发生以上状况,请各位买家多多包涵,但这种情况很少会发生。如果您无法接受突发的到货延迟请不要下单购买以免造成双方困扰。 -Sometimes delayed may occur, so, buyers please forgive. If you are unable to accept the sudden delay of arrival please do not place an order . -运输途中包裹遗失或者损坏,小店将不负责(出货前本店工作人员会先检验货物后再发货) -If Parcel lost or damaged in transit, we will not be responsible for (staff will check the goods before delivery) -所卖的衣服质量都在中级,并且采取薄利多销政策。如果您想用RM10++购买到高档次品的衣服,请绕道。一分钱一分货的,请了解这个道理。 -We selling clothes are medium quality, If you want to use RM10++ to buy to high-grade clothes, please do not place order -所有购买者选择在本店购物则视为已经了解并且清楚此条规 本店保留随时更改条规的权利而无需另行通知 -All buyers are understood and clear with the terms and conditions. We have the right to change the rules at any time without prior notice